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How to use Catalog Ingestion API to push data into Harness IDP


In this tutorial we will be creating Jira tickets using Workflows and add the information (i.e. ticket numbers) to the corresponding Software Component in the Catalog and display the same in the UI using Additional Info Card. The aim of this tutorial is to help you understand the usage of REST APIs to push information in the Catalog and then use them in different parts of IDP according to your use-cases.


  1. We assume you have JIRA set-up as your ticket management system, and you have access to the same to create tickets in your corresponding project as well as administrator access to create projects.

Create the Workflow

Create Jira ticket

Using RUN Step

  1. Go to Admin in your IDP
  2. Now select the project where you you want to create the pipeline for the Workflows.
  3. Begin by selecting the Create a Pipeline button followed by adding a name for the pipeline and set up your pipeline as inline.
  4. Now select the Developer Portal Stage and give it a name.
  5. Add a RUN step, name it as create jira ticket and select the Shell as Bash
  6. Now add the following under the Command.

# Perform the POST request with curl and capture the response
response=$(curl --silent --request POST \
--url '' \
--user "$EMAIL_ID:$JIRA_TOKEN" \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"fields": {
"project": {
"key": "$PROJECT_KEY"
"components": {
"issuetype": {
"name": "$ISSUE_TYPE"
"summary": "$ISSUE_SUMMARY",
"description": {
"version": 1,
"type": "doc",
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "$ISSUE_CONTENT"
"labels": [

# Extract the key from the JSON response using jq
issue_key=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.key')

# Export the issue key as an environment variable
export ISSUE_KEY="$issue_key"

# Print the issue key (optional)
echo "The created issue key is: $ISSUE_KEY"

The above given request body can create a Jira ticket based on project and component and add a label to the same.

We have used few pipeline variables in the body, which will be used to take input from the IDP Workflows and for the users to choose project, add the summary, description for the tickets.

  1. Now under Optional Configuration add the Output Variables as ISSUE_KEY.

  2. Apply the Changes.

  3. Go to Variables on the right side of the page and add the following variables and have the input type as Runtime Input.

    • emailid
    • jiratoken
    • projectkey
    • componentname
    • issuetype
    • issuesummary
    • issuecontent
    • labels
    • usergroup
  4. Apply the changes.

Use Catalog Metadata Ingestion API

  1. Start by adding another RUN step.
  2. Name it as Ingestion API and select the Shell as Bash
  3. Now add the following under the Command.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: <+secrets.getValue('account.TOKEN_ID')>' \
--data '{
"properties": [
"field": "metadata.openTicket",
"filter": {
"kind": "Component",
"type": "service",
"owners": [
"value_overrides": [
"entity_ref": "YOUR_COMPONENT_LINK",
"override_value": "<+stage.spec.execution.steps.create_jira_ticket.output.outputVariables.ISSUE_KEY>"
"value": "0"

  1. Under header x-api-key: <+secrets.getValue('account.TOKEN_ID')>, add the token ID for your API key. Get your token ID from your Profile

In the above body the openTicket which got created in JIRA will be added, to kind component and type service owned by the usergroup selected in the Workflows. Under entity_ref add the component link to which you want to add the ticket ID, the unique entity reference could be found using inspect entity for the component in Catalog.

  1. Now Apply the changes.

Create Workflow

Now we have to create a workflow, which takes the input from the user and triggers the pipeline. Here's the workflow YAML

kind: Template
name: jira-ticket
title: Create a JIRA Ticket
description: A template to create a Jira Ticket
- jira
- management
type: service
- title: Service Details
- projectkey
- issuetype
- jiracomponentname
- issuesummary
- issuecontent
- labels
- usergroup
title: Email ID used for Atlassain account
type: string
description: Use the email ID associated with JIRA
title: Jira Access Tokens
type: string
ui:widget: password
description: Add the API access tokens created under the above mentioned email id
title: Jira Project Key
type: string
default: IDP
description: Your ticket will be created under this project
type: string
title: Add your Jira component type
default: Story
type: string
title: Add the component for this issue
desciption: Component for ticket tracing eg., Misc, Backstage Core, Platform etc.
title: Give a title for your ticket
type: string
title: Describe the details needed in the ticket
type: string
type: string
title: Select a label for the issue
default: roadmap
title: Choose an Owner for the Service
type: string
ui:field: OwnerPicker
- Group
# This field is hidden but needed to authenticate the request to trigger the pipeline
title: Harness Token
type: string
ui:widget: password
ui:field: HarnessAuthToken
- id: trigger
name: Bootstrapping your new service
action: trigger:harness-custom-pipeline
emailid: ${{ parameters.emailid }}
jiratoken: ${{ parameters.jiratoken }}
projectkey: ${{ parameters.projectkey }}
issuetype: ${{ parameters.issuetype }}
componentname: ${{ parameters.jiracomponentname }}
issuesummary: ${{ parameters.issuesummary }}
issuecontent: ${{ parameters.issuecontent }}
labels: ${{ parameters.labels }}
usergroup: ${{ parameters.usergroup }}
apikey: ${{ parameters.token }}

- title: Pipeline Details
url: ${{ steps.trigger.output.PipelineUrl }}

In the above YAML just replace the url with the pipeline URL we created above, also make sure the key values under inputset exactly matches with the pipeline variable names.

Also for Jira token input the input should be the personal access token from JIRA.

  1. Now go to your git provider and add this workflow yaml and save it, make sure it's public incase it's in private repo make sure you have the git integration setup.

  2. Once the file is created in your git repo, copy the full URL to the file. For example,

  1. In the left navigation, select Create, and then select Register Software Component.

  1. Enter the URL to your new workflow.yaml.

  1. Click Import.

  1. Now go to the workflow and select the workflow you just added.

  1. Add the input values in the field that would be used by the workflow

Create Additional Info Card

In case you want to display the same information you have ingested on your Overview page as an additional card, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Layout Page and under Admin and add the following for Services and Save it.
- component: EntityAdditionalInfoCard
title: Open JIRA Tickets
value: <+metadata.openTicket>
type: string
bold: true
md: 6


  1. Now go to the Software Component in the Catalog and you'll find an additional info card populated with information we ingested using the API above. You can read more about additional info card